Climate change group

Upcoming meetings

For more information see the meeting flyer.

Suggested Viewing – documentary videos

Big Oil V the World:  BBC iPlayer, You Tube

Kiss the Ground:  Netflix

TED, Alan Savory:  TED or YouTube

An Inconvenient Truth:  Al Gore, Amazon 2007

An Inconvenient Deception:  Al Gore, Amazon 2017                 

Seaspiracy:  BBC iPayer, YouTube          


Interesting viewing on the internet

Carbon Capture and Storage                                   

Chichester District Council & climate change                 

Climate change predictions, right or wrong          

Climate targets. Are they now pointless?               

Emissions graphics on all countries                        

Methane challenge                                                 

Nitrous oxide                                                           

Ozone layer success V climate change FAILURE    

Sir David Attenborough 2021                                 

Surviving the coming decades                                                 

Transformations, energy, transport food etc.           

UK Electrical energy generation daily update       

Suggested Reading

The Climate Book:                                         Greta Thunberg et al., 2022 Kindle & book

The Grazing Revolution:                                Alan Savory,  Kindle & book

Losing Earth:                                                 Nathaniel Rich,  Kindle & book 

How to avoid a climate disaster :             Bill Gates,  Kindle & book

The Future of Life:                                       E.O.Wilson,  Kindle & book

The future of Energy:                                 John Mitchel Armstrong, Kindle

u3a Climate Change Group meeting reports

The presentation on 6th September 2023 was given by Graeme Clements on air heat source pumps, see report.

December 6th CCG Meeting on Renewable Energy Use at Home and Generated in the Region:

click here to see a copy of the notes from the meeting

click here to see a pdf copy of the presentation on domestic solar energy use

click here to see a pdf copy of the presentation on renewable energy in the Chichster area

Recent reports

Net-Zero Strategy, Build back greener (HM Gov. Oct 2021)

The Closing Window, UNEP 2022

IPCC Summary for Policy Makers August 2022

A u3a communities site with more links