Learn, Laugh, Live
Welcome to Chichester u3a
If you are retired or semi-retired, live in Chichester or the surrounding villages and communities,
… and seek to come together with like-minded people
… to share knowledge and experience,
… learn new skills
… or learn more about your local area
… and get to know a wider circle of interesting people,
then you have come to the right place.
About Us
For over 25 years and with over 900 members we are at the heart of Chichester life for the retired and semi-retired
Chichester U3A is an exciting self-help movement for people in the Third Age who live in or near the City. It offers the opportunity to pursue learning for sheer enjoyment and for its own sake. It is a self-funded Educational Charity.
We are a lively and friendly group offering a wide range of creative, study, physical and leisure activities.

Learn More About Our Activities
Make the most of life once you’re no longer in work. Explore new ideas, skills and interests with Chichester u3a!
Interest Groups
Interest Groups are an integral part of the U3A experience, and members are entitled to join any group in which they are interested. With so many to choose from there is something for everyone. More…
Local Events
Monthly Meetings with a Guest Speaker, Coffee Mornings, Quiz Nights. Find out More…
We have had many successful trips arranged by the local group. But there are also regional and national events which members are free to join. More…