Summer Party on 22 July 2023


22 July 2023    
3:00 pm - 5:00 pm


Bookings closed


Bishop's Palace Garden
4 Canon Ln, Chichester , PO19 1PX

Event Type


Would you like to attend our Summer Party in the private Garden at The Bishop of Chichester’s Palace on Saturday 22nd July?

Our Summer Party is to celebrate another successful year of Chichester u3a – in fact, it’s our 30th anniversary!  We thought this was worth marking with a special event, and we hope that many members, new and old, will want to join us for the afternoon.

By kind permission of The Bishop of Chichester, our u3a has been granted access to the private Garden for a celebratory Tea Party on 22nd July.  Sandwiches, cakes, tea, coffee and soft drinks will be served from 3pm to 5pm, and there is seating for 150 people, as well as a large marquee.  This event is open to all Chichester u3a members and their partners.

The Bishop’s Palace asks for a donation in lieu of a hire charge, which will go to the Bishop’s Discretionary Fund.  We are asking members to pay £5 per person which we will donate to the Fund.

Please book using the form which you will find either below or on the summer party booking page. You can book up to 2 people.  Please put your membership number(s) in the comments box, plus the name of your partner, if relevant. After booking please go to our Pay U3A page to get information about how to pay.

If you have any questions, please email

We look forward to seeing you on 22nd July.

Chichester u3a Committee


This event is fully booked.