Latest Bulletin

Here is our latest Bulletin. This is emailed to our current members who have requested to receive it. To see previous Bulletins Click Here.

To see our Autumn Newsletter 2023 click here or to see a pdf file then click here

Bulletin 240503

Chichester u3a - Bulletin

Dear #FAM,

Your membership number is #MEMNO.


The u3a Communications Team
is forming now and needs your talents!

Chichester u3a provides a wonderful service to Third Agers in our area, and is truly an organisation to be proud of. With almost a thousand members, we should be able to find ample talent among us to expand our Communications Team. It would be wonderful to offer wider perspectives and employ creative thinking on how to add fresh content and special features; we need some lively reporting about groups’ activities, outings and events, and issues of interest and concern to our members. 

While we have a small dedicated group of people behind the website and the bulletin, we need more in order to produce a newsletter/magazine of quality that will be informative, fun to read and a great calling card for potential new members.   

So, we are urgently looking for members to join the Communications Team. It's great fun and puts you at the heart of Chichester u3a. Whether your interest is in writing, interviewing and reporting (written, audio or video), photography, design, desktop publishing, or just brainstorming ideas, WE NEED YOU!

If you think you might be interested, please contact me for a chat by simply replying to this bulletin email. I look forward to hearing from you.

Many thanks,

Visit to Fort Nelson, Portsmouth

Wednesday 22nd May 2024

Join us on a visit to this fascinating restored Victorian fortress. We will meet in the Visitor Centre Lobby at 10.30am.

  • Free entry
  • Café & Gift Shop
  • Parking Limited
  • Car-sharing recommended 

Booking may be done on the website HERE

If you can offer car-sharing or would like a lift (there is no public transport to Fort Nelson) please put a note in the “Comment” box on the booking form.

If you have any queries please email

Tickets for National u3a Festival 24 available now 

18-20 July 2024

Members can now book tickets for u3a Festival 24, which is taking place at the University of York from 18 to 20 July.

Margaret Fiddes, one of the organisers of the festival, says "So far take up is very strong and we are delighted that many hundreds of people are coming to join us in York for the largest ever gathering of u3a members in the movement’s history."

The taster programme and booking link can be found on the Festival page of the u3a website and if you have any questions, please email

Upcoming Events

Next Coffee Morning - Tuesday, 7th May, 10am-12noon

Always on the First Tuesday of each month, so please mark your calendars!

Our Coffee Mornings are held in the Bar on the first floor of the MINERVA THEATRE building, opposite the Chichester Festival Theatre.
You can use this opportunity to chat with our groups team and learn about current and new offerings, meet old friends and make new ones!

There will be two breakout tables at the coffee morning for these groups:

  • Book Group - Short Story - Fiction - please see below under Groups Notices for details
  • Jin Shin - Self Help. Jin Shin Acupressure is from Japan and is at least 4,000 years old. It is believed to be the origins of acupuncture, modern acupressure, reiki and more. You can learn to do this yourself (over clothing). Come along to the Coffee Morning to find out more about this new group.

GROUP LEADERS: If you would like to promote your group at a coffee morning, please contact the Groups Coordinator!

May Quiz Night - Thursday, 9th May, 2024 at 19:30
at The Chichester Inn, Westgate, Chichester

 There is no charge for the quiz and a meal is optional. The Chichester Inn kitchen opens at 5.00pm and we expect diners to eat prior to the start of the quiz. The menu can be found here:  the chichester inn menu.   

Please book your place(s) here using this link. You can book up to 4 places.

As Members are arriving at different times in order to eat before the Quiz, we will no longer be allocating tables in advance.  Please make up your teams of 4 in advance or wait to join a team on the evening. Booking is now open and will close on Wednesday 8th May, or before if all the places are taken before that date.
Please email if you have any queries.

Monthly Meeting & AGM - 16th May at 2pm
at the Assembly Rooms on North Street

The May Monthly Meeting will take place on 16th May 2024 at the Assembly Room. It will immediately follow the Annual General Meeting which will start at 2 pm. Tea and coffee will be served from 1.15 pm until 1.45 pm and the AGM will start at 2pm.

Our speaker for the monthly meeting will be Paul Whittle and his talk is titled “The Malta Story”

This a return visit for Paul, this time to tell the story of Malta, endlessly invaded over the centuries and one of the most bombed places on the planet. As Chichester is now twinned with Valletta this should be of interest to everyone.

Groups Notices

Ski Group

U3A Ski group will be hitting the slopes again in 2025.  We will be travelling to Les Arc 2000 between the 1st and 8th March departing from Gatwick.  The cost of a single room will be £1360 and a shared room £1170 on a half board basis.  If you are interested in joining us then please contact Barry on

Recorder Group

Another little turnover of players has occurred in the Recorder Group and up to three places are available (max size 12).

It’s a group for the keen hobby recorder player! Not for beginners, though : you need to be familiar with recorder fingerings, basic scales and arpeggios, able to read music and follow a beat. You should have a music stand and preferably two recorders from descant, treble, tenor and bass in order to fit into the group. If you only have experience with one recorder but are willing to take up another, you could still join the group. Existing players play two or three sizes and like to swap around, so someone who only wants to play one size of recorder will unfortunately restrict the opportunities for the other players too much.

We play music from early to modern times and by a wide range of composers, which is all provided. The level is grade 3 to 4. There’s a lot of different music around for recorders to play - much more than is commonly imagined!

This is an improvers group, so regular attendance is hoped for : it isn’t suited to anyone likely to take lots of time out. A readiness to practise at home and prepare a short piece of music for the next meeting is also helpful. The group is friendly and supportive and will enable players to improve playing skills or take up a new instrument. There’s a small library of music to borrow and play at home.

A recorder professional comes once a month to conduct, to help players make progress by playing more challenging music and offer some professional input if they have any questions.

It’s always possible for a potential player to come along as a guest for one session and the leader will tailor the music accordingly. Include some details of your playing background in the contact form and then there can be a phone call to discuss the next step.

We meet on Tuesdays from 2pm-4pm (with a short break) every week unless we agree not to. We play in a large, well-ventilated ground floor lounge where the leader lives. No car parking, unfortunately, but the 51 and 700 bus routes stop outside. Otherwise it’s 6-8 mins walk from the Cattle Market car park or from Florence Road car park, where parking is free for 3 hours.

New Short Story Book Group

Have you given up on book groups because the books are too long or perhaps you are looking for a different sort of book group?

Why not try a short story group instead?  Short fiction is made to be shared! A short story can promote a more focused discussion and sometimes the best stories are short.. 

 We will meet once a month at St Paul's Parish Centre, Churchside, Chichester PO19 6FT.  Date and time will be chosen to suit the majority.

If you'd like to register your interest please email:   

National u3a & Regional Events

National u3a

There is a wealth of information on the National u3a website , including online groups, u3a Radio podcast, upcoming events like Festival 2024 (18th-20th July, at York), and the latest issue of Third Age Matters, the monthly national u3a magazine (the link to the current version is:

The next bulletin is due out on 17th May, so if you have an item to submit, you may use this link.

Links to our Website

Follow these links to see:

If you wish to unsubscribe from the Bulletin emails, please contact the membership secretary with subject “Unsubscribe from Bulletin”. This will not affect other email communications with the U3A. Please do NOT  put the bulletin emails into spam! 😒

Please send a message via the usual channels if you wish to have some item of u3a news put in the Bulletin. Likewise, if you have suggestions as to how to improve the Bulletin or would like to join our team.
Best wishes, Miriam Knight and David Rees😎 

The Constitution of the Chichester U3A is available to view here, and its Terms of Use here.
Enquiries If you wish to write to the Chichester U3A, then the correspondence address is: U3A Chichester, Box 809, MailboxesEtc., 26 The Hornet, CHICHESTER, PO19 7BB  If there is an urgent matter that needs to be discussed then call 07460 109600, or contact the membership secretary.

For more information about the Bulletin and to submit something for the next Edition, click here.

To find out about the National u3a activities click here to see the Third Age Matters Magazine