Apply and Pay Online First complete your preferences for U3A regular communications and privacy considerations… New Member Who are you? Name * Email * About you Background, skills and interests Bulletin options I would like to receive the Bulletin by emailI do not want to receive the Bulletin by email The Bulletin is the main way we tell you about what is going on in our u3a and it will normally be emailed to you every fortnight. It is also published on the Chichester U3A website. If you would prefer not to receive the email please select above. Third Age Matters Magazine I don't want to receive the Third Age Matters magazineI would like to receive the Third Age Matters magazine The Third Age Matters magazine (TAM) is produced by the Third Age Trust, the national organisation we are affiliated to. It provides information about other U3As and the national organisation and is sent out 5 times a year to any members who have requested it. Currently the cost is covered by your membership fee, but please don’t request it if it is heading straight for the recycling bin. Most members find that the Bulletin with all the local activities is sufficient. Privacy Statement The next form will ask for your personal contact details. Your name and address will be held on a database by the Chichester U3A and by the Third Age Trust mailing house (if you requested the TAM magazine) for the purposes set out below: * To store it securely for membership and administrative purposes. * To communicate with you as a U3A member. * To share with group leaders and event organisers for those groups and events you have an interest in. * To send you general information about the Third Age Trust (the national organisation to which U3As are affiliated). For more details of Chichester U3A’s Privacy Policy, please visit the Chichester U3A website. Please tick the box below to give Chichester U3A permission to use the information you have supplied as described: * I consent to my data being used for membership purposes as detailed above. (Of course, if you do not provide Chichester U3A with any personal details it will be hard to share with you the full benefits of membership.) The Third Age Matters magazine is produced by the Third Age Trust. If you wish to receive it we need to supply your postal address. I consent to my data being shared with the Third Age Trust for the purpose of distribution of these Magazines. Captcha Remember you can request a change to your data permissions, or a change to your stored details at any time by contacting the Membership Team. If you are human, leave this field blank.