February monthly meeting


15 February 2024    
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm


The Assembly Room
North Street, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 1LQ

Event Type

The  monthly meeting in February will take place, as usual, at The Assembly Room, North Street, Chichester. Tea and coffee will be served from 1.15 pm until 1.45 pm and the talk will start at 2pm.

Our speaker will be David Gane. His talk is titled  “Anyone One Can Do It – A Beginners Guide to Science

David touches on some of the ways our minds are “hard-wired” to give us wrong answers, explains the simple steps scientists follow to try to avoid such errors, and looks at how to tell good science from bad. Along the way he asks: How sure are we that the sun will rise tomorrow?  Is Evolution a theory or a fact? Does “standing tall” for two minutes before an interview really improve your chances of getting the job?