Serendipity Discussion Group
Primary category: HumanitiesSecondary category: SocialLively discussion of current news items from the main news mediaSerendipity because discussion can lead anywhere and end in an unexpected place. Group members will set guidelines for discussing current affairs. They will make their comments and have the opportunity to present alternative views. Subjects will be chosen by consensus and sensitive topics will be left to members discretion. Most of the topics will be those in the forefront of the news of the week or day. Group members will be encouraged to be frank and honest about their reaction to media comments. There will be time later for reviews of the topics aired and some conclusions about the closing of issues under debate.
Where and when
Venue: Trents, 50 South Street, Chichester, PO19 1DSWhen | Weeks 2 & 4 Friday 10:00 - 12:00 |
Cost | The cost of your coffee |
Max group size | 12 |