The monthly meeting in February will take place, as usual, at The Assembly Room, North Street, Chichester. Tea and coffee will be served from 1.15 pm until 1.45 pm and the talk will start at 2pm.
Our Speaker is Joanna Foat and her talk is titled “Discover the exciting tales of the Lumberjills”
Joanna has published a history book, her first novel on the Lumberjills and is currently writing her second novel. She will share the fascinating stories of what life was like for the young women living in the forests in WW2 while serving in the Women’s Timber Corps. She has given over a hundred talks, written for an exhibition which is touring the forests in the UK and been interviewed on BBC Radio 4 Woman’s Hour, TV’s How We Won The War, Walking Wartime Britain, BBC South TV and Dan Snow’s History Hit Podcast among many others. Do join us for a lively and interactive talk from author and popular speaker, Joanna Foat.