Bulletin 2411

Chichester u3a - Bulletin

Dear #FAM,

Your membership number is #MEMNO.


Change of our u3a Phone Number

Please note that the u3a contact number has changed to 07490 654524

Our preferred method of contact is by email, but if you need to phone you can leave a message, including your name and phone number, and someone from the membership team will call you back.

Reminder Re: u3a Christmas Lunches
on 4 & 13 December

At Restaurant 64, located on the Ground Floor of Block B at Chichester College.
Please will you be sure to arrive by 12.15pm at the latest, as we must be seated by 12.30pm.
The College has a registration plate recognition system, so you will be asked for your registration number as you enter the Restaurant.  Please make sure that you give the correct number, because otherwise you may incur a parking fine.  

Upcoming Events

Coffee Morning – Tuesday, 3rd December, 10am – 12 noon

Always on the First Tuesday of each month, so please mark your calendars!

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Our Coffee Mornings are held in the Bar on the first floor of the MINERVA THEATRE building, opposite the Chichester Festival Theatre.
You can use this opportunity to chat with our groups team and learn about current and new offerings, meet old friends and make new ones!

GROUP LEADERS: If you would like to promote your group at a coffee morning, please contact the Groups Coordinator!

Monthly Meeting on Thursday, 12th December at 2pm at the Assembly Rooms on North Street

Speaker: Nick Johnston-Jones with
“A Brief History of Heroism”

This talk is about how the concept of heroism has evolved over the centuries since its origins in Classical mythology.  Looking at a range of heroic models in history and literature, Nick poses the question: do we now live in a post-heroic age?

Tea and coffee will be served in the Crush Bar at the rear of the Assembly Room from 1:15 to 1:45pm and the meeting starts at 2pm.

National & Regional

National u3a

There is a wealth of information on the National u3a website – www.u3a.org.uk , including online groups, u3a Radio podcast, upcoming events, and the latest issue of Third Age Matters, the monthly national u3a magazine (the link to the current version is:

The next bulletin is due out on 13th December, so if you have an item to submit, you may use this link.

Links to our Website

Follow these links to see:

If you wish to unsubscribe from the Bulletin emails, please contact the membership secretary with subject “Unsubscribe from Bulletin”. This will not affect other email communications with the U3A. Please do NOT  put the bulletin emails into spam! 😒

Please send a message via the usual channels if you wish to have some item of u3a news put in the Bulletin. Likewise, please get in touch if you have ideas on to how to improve the Bulletin, and especially if you would like to join our team!
Best wishes, Miriam Knight

The Constitution of the Chichester U3A is available to view here, and its Terms of Use here.
Enquiries If you wish to write to the Chichester U3A, then the correspondence address is: U3A Chichester, Box 809, MailboxesEtc., 26 The Hornet, CHICHESTER, PO19 7BB  If there is an urgent matter that needs to be discussed then call 07460 109600, or contact the membership secretary.