Pay U3A

Making a payment to Chichester U3A – for group activities or social events

From time to time you may have to make a payment to Chichester U3A in respect of a group, a social event or an organised trip. You may be making a payment as an individual, or for yourself and your joint partner, or on behalf of a number of members. In order to make payments to Chichester U3A as simple as possible – for you and for the Treasurer – we would ask you to follow the guidelines set out here.

The way we receive payments

We ask you to make a bank transfer and we give you a unique code to use as a reference on the bank transfer. It is essential that you use the code otherwise we don’t know who the money came from.

How to get your reference code

You will need your membership number – if you can’t remember it, it is shown at the top of your fortnightly bulletin.

  1. Please enter your membership number in the box below
  2. Then, say whether the payment is for a group activity OR for a social or event/trip.
  3. Then, choose the group or social event using the little down arrow to show the menu
  4. Then, say who you paying for. Is it for an individual, or are you paying for joint members? For joint members only one membership number is needed. You can also choose to pay for a group of members.

Once you have done this a box is displayed which shows the account to make a bank transfer to, PLUS the all-important reference code.

Please follow the instructions below, starting with your Membership Number, to generate the correct payment details for your payment to Chichester U3A. We have multiple bank accounts, and without the payment Reference we cannot link the payment to you.

What is your Membership Number:

Format: 4-digit number. If your membership number has fewer digits please add leading zeros 


Why do you need to make a payment to Chichester U3A?




Are you paying for:


The details for your payment are as follows:
Account Name: Chichester U3A
Bank: Lloyds Bank plc
Sort Code: 30 – 91 – 97
Account Number:

Now use these details to make your payment via your bank.

make the bank transfer

Please make the bank transfer in your preferred way. You could pay via your bank online, or in person at your bank or by telephone banking. Please check that you use the u3a bank details we have given you, you may have used different ones in the past

Please note that we no longer accept cheques. If you have difficulty paying by the above method, or if you have any queries please contact the Treasurer.